Additional Title’s are going to be supported like we once did on ejeet 2.0 now here on the fifth phase of business or Ejeet Networks Five point Zero we are happy to state that we will offer hosting, templates, mods, videos everything you need to run a website for more then just world of warcraft and to name two of those titles they are… EVE Online and a returning Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, since the relaunch of ffxiv we feel the game deserves amazing guild sites, so when our inbox was overflowing with the demand for Final Fantasy Free Company webpage hosting and EVE Corps wanting to get back in on the action, we rose to action and have decided to start development of these resources immediately.
Over the period of the next few days, weeks, months we hope to grow our template library for our new system to the caliber we once had when we offered over 100 templates for gamers on an almost per title basis, we don’t mean to say that 1000’s of templates are coming but more-so to let you know that they are coming.