The second part of The Elder Scrolls Online “Ask Us Anything” centered on the Daggerfall Covenant has been posted on the official site. The team fielded questions from fans of the upcoming game and covered a wide variety of topics including vampires and half-elves.
Why is the alliance called the Daggerfall Convenant? What made the Breton town of Daggerfall the main part of the name? – By Orange Jammonkey
It’s an accident of history. The First, or Breton, Daggerfall Covenant was a treaty of mutual defense signed by the Breton Kings after the defeat of Durcorach’s Reachmen Horde – which took place at Daggerfall. That battle before the gates of Daggerfall was also the first major victory of the young Emeric of Cumberland.
Read the full Q&A on The Elder Scrolls Online site.