We take pride in providing secure and safe products. This is why we use various well-known third party services to audit our website.
You can view the reports and see that we return 100% safe.
1. Tested secure by Google Safe Browsing. Google scans our website and has found no malicious content.
2. Rated as “Safe” by Norton Safe Web. Norton, a leading cybersecurity company, scanes our website regularly and has found no threats.
3. Tested clean by McAfee SiteAdvisor. McAfee, another top cybersecurity company, scans our website and has found no issues.
4. Tested safe by Sucuri Labs. Sucuri is an industry leader in website security and malware detection. They scan our website regularly and have detected no malware or blacklisting issues.
5. Phish-free by PhishTank. PhishTank, a collaborative clearing house for data and information about phishing, scans our website and has found no evidence of phishing.
6. Rated Secure by Opera. Opera, one of the world’s major browser developers, has determined our website is secure with no detected threats.
7. Zero Spam by Spamhaus. Spamhaus, one of the world’s most trusted and relied upon spam and malware databases, has found no evidence of spam originating from our website.
In summary, our website is routinely scanned by many of the top website security companies and services, and all have found it to be 100% safe and free of malware, spam, phishing or other threats. Please feel confident purchasing from and interacting with our website. Let us know if you have any other questions!