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Elder Scrolls Online : Details About the Daggerfall Covenant

The second part of The Elder Scrolls Online “Ask Us Anything” centered on the Daggerfall Covenant has been posted on the official site. The team fielded questions from fans of the upcoming game and  covered a wide variety of topics including vampires and half-elves.

Why is the alliance called the Daggerfall Convenant? What made the Breton town of Daggerfall the main part of the name? – By Orange Jammonkey

It’s an accident of history. The First, or Breton, Daggerfall Covenant was a treaty of mutual defense signed by the Breton Kings after the defeat of Durcorach’s Reachmen Horde – which took place at Daggerfall. That battle before the gates of Daggerfall was also the first major victory of the young Emeric of Cumberland.

Read the full Q&A on The Elder Scrolls Online site.1749Daedroth

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Rift : Guide to Volan

Your battle against Volan the colossus takes place in the zone event Dreams of Blood and also Bone. This takes devote the zone of Ashora, generally late at night (server time). It’s any somewhat long event, but it’s really a thrilling time and the rewards (especially if you are looking for Infinity Stones), makes it well worth enjoying. The event takes devote multiple stages, and we are going to go over them so you know what to expect as you progress from the battle.

After Volan enters the Eternal City, you possibly can get on the building tops. As long as you’re up there a good many mobs will spawn, so one of these need taken lower, but there is likewise cannons you can man to help you take down the boss faster. If you walk on to one of many purple orb platforms that you see on some sort of building’s top, it’s going to shoot you onto the building it’s facing, making it easy to travel between your buildings.

If a person dies, you will probably resurrect near Volan. Just run returning to him and cv your attacking!

For anyone who is in a raid, you will definately get credit for all of the parts your raid helps pack up. You don’t have to make sure that you hit each perhaps the boss, and instead can just give attention to whichever part is closest for your requirements.

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DayZ : Beta Imminent, Standalone Release Delayed Read

The DayZ team has posted a new blog on the official site. The post starts with stating the obvious: The standalone version of DayZ that was originally scheduled to be released at the end of 2012, has not yet been released. Instead, a limited closed beta is scheduled to begin “imminently”.

Put simply, DayZ Standalone isn’t here because we had the chance to go from making a game that was just the mod improved slightly, packaged simply, and sold – to actually redeveloping the engine and making the game the way we all dreamed it could be. This blew any initial plans we had dictated to pieces.