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BFA Plus! WoW Theme for 2019

Greetings everyone

It has been a hectic few weeks launching the latest version of our theme lineups, since 5.1 changed many things about how wordpress works we have decided to embrace the future and release our all new Plus! core, the first theme to have full support for the latest template core is of course our number one template BFA Plus!

With the new theme engine running we are now able to not just offer the same experience you have come to love from the Ejeet Networks theme line-up, but to add to and optimize the many layers that make our templates the best for gamers with major changes to the core our theme is now weighing in at only 1.09MB a phenomenal gain on our competitors meaning your site will not only look great but it will pass benchmarks and load with blazing speeds not seen before in our theme library.

One of the most requested features was to implement social buttons, but not just social buttons for things like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit or any of the other popular ones. We listened to our customers and added social links edit-able in the administration panel so you can now link directly to your Discord chat servers, Twitch Channels and yes even Battlenet.

The biggest feature that many don’t know about but its changing how we make websites as a people, is the all new Gutenberg editor initially launched in WordPress 5.0 and recently updated to be even more amazing in the recent release of WordPress 5.1. Ejeet Networks is ecstatic to announce that our themes from this day onward will have 100% support for Gutenberg in all capacity’s without loosing support for the beloved classic editor.

Many changes have been made more then we can list here but most of all the performance is better then ever along with the all new ease of use editing solutions, you can however check out our features list.

We thank you for choosing Ejeet Networks for all of your mmorpg web templates and themes, we look forward to continuing to support our array of products and provide to you the best of the best.

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WordPress 5.1 Updates

We are currently working on a solution for wordpress 5.1 compatibility. Until then please remain on 5.0 if you wish to use our themes.

As stated in our FAQ the themes were programmed for 5.0.X and not 5.1 we will have to re-write some major functions of the themes core and will provide a solution once it has been prepared.

UPDATE 1: We have isolated the issues in the template system, we will take this time to implement Gutenberg support to the themes being upgraded for 5.1+.

UPDATE 2: Progress was made, BETA2 is being tested and Gutenberg support is working perfectly in the new theme engine.

UPDATE 3: In order to move forward we will be retiring old templates for prior expansions and games that have seen no major updates.

UPDATE 4: We have tested the new system its working, we will be rolling out updated versions of BFA Plus first, we will also introduce a new BFA Theme, Updated versions should be completed by Friday, you may have also received a beta test invite if so then you could use BETA3 right now its pretty stable!

FINAL UPDATE: Our update is running on schedule the BFA Plus 2019 Version will be released tomorrow, which includes too many changes to list here.

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Black Friday Sale 2018

Its that time of year once again where you get to eat awesome turkey and save a pile of money. While we can’t help you with the turkey we can certainly help you save a pile of money!.

Our Black Friday 2018 sale is live now featuring discounts on our most popular wordpress themes, with sales on right now up to 50% off regular priced guild templates throughout the rest of November our sale will last, after then its gone until next year.

All of our World of Warcraft templates are Patch 8.1 Certified meaning you are good to go right out of the box and into the future.

All of our FFXIV themes are patch 4.5 ready and are pre-patched to support 5.0 when the new final fantasy expansion pack is brought online.

Be sure to check out our shop and take advantage of the savings on our award winning wordpress templates.