A large top world guild in World of Warcraft have called it quits, we have the story for you, its the end of the road for the guild they will not be moving into the upcoming legion expansion at this point.
A spokesperson (Seita) for paragon issued the following statement.
We have decided to stop raiding which obviously means we will not be a part of the world first race in Legion,
This can be attributed to the lack of interested in the Finnish world of warcraft community, the guild was having a consistent up hill battle finding people committed to the 25-player raids, but the final blow was the inability to form even a 10-player raiding guild, citing that international raiding was not worth the trouble.
Going forward I have no idea if we will be playing WoW in any capacity in the future.
The Paragon Guild has been a leading contender in world record gaming for years. They had very many world first end game content kills and will always rest in the in our history books as one of the great guilds of world of warcraft.