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WoW Mists of Pandaria : Patch v5.2 Teaser Trailer Released

Blizzard Entertainment has released a brand new trailer to show off some of the locations and denizens that players will encounter when the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria v5.2 patch goes live. Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments!

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DayZ : Beta Imminent, Standalone Release Delayed Read

The DayZ team has posted a new blog on the official site. The post starts with stating the obvious: The standalone version of DayZ that was originally scheduled to be released at the end of 2012, has not yet been released. Instead, a limited closed beta is scheduled to begin “imminently”.

Put simply, DayZ Standalone isn’t here because we had the chance to go from making a game that was just the mod improved slightly, packaged simply, and sold – to actually redeveloping the engine and making the game the way we all dreamed it could be. This blew any initial plans we had dictated to pieces.
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Wizard101 : A Childs Game? No it is not

Now, before anyone gets their knickers in a knot wondering if I’m going to harangue on the sore losers (and you must admit there were some) in the announcement thread for whining about Pirate101 winning the Game of the Year, rest easy. I’m not going to do that. There has been plenty said on the subject in that particular thread and in Victor’s excellent take on the reaction. So, realistically and proverbially, “Nuff said.”


What I do want to talk about is a more general attitude of many gamers to dismiss games like those made by KingsIsle as “simplistic” and as “just kids’ games” and other such generalized statements. You see, it’s not just Pirate101 that is accused of being such but so is its stable mate, Wizard101. In fact, being the older of the siblings, W101 has had these charges leveled at it for four years now.

Many players seem eager and unwilling to even look at a game if it is tagged as family- or child-friendly. In fact, I will go one step further and say that any game sporting either of those tags is summarily dismissed by a lot of folks as even being worthy of inclusion on a site like ours.

Article By: Suzie Ford

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Earthrise : Development taken by SilentFuture

331_81It seems that the nex-gen German VGA gaming developers known as Silent Future ( SF / SlientFuture ) has revived Earthrise, the futuristic MMO that was canceled last February. We are posting the press release in its entirety as it was sent to us.


Alpha Statement: The new Earthrise

The closed alpha stage ONE of Earthrise officially has started. SilentFuture revamped many of the systems used in Earthrise and focused on fundamental factors such as network and server performance. A new network layer was implemented and the Flash based GUI was replaced with a HTML5 one, that enables the players to customize their HUD and implement own functionality.

The sandbox gets an overhaul that the player gets a bigger impact. SilentFuture focusing the RPG factor with third person fast-paced action combat. The gameplay gets more cooperative and shooter like.

Earthrise will be completely free to play. For the funding of further development of Earthrise SilentFuture will offer micro transactions, that allows the player to personalize and individualize their character without affecting the gameplay. Further there will be service offers like additional character slots. SilentFuture is completely against a “pay2win” concept.

The estimated launch date isn’t fixed, as SilentFuture CEO Daniel Schemann explains:

“We work hard to bring you a stable release, and we won’t rush and throw it out. Development takes time and when we getting near a possible release we will inform the community. Until this we have the alpha/beta running mostly 24×7.”

The Account registration is online and you are able to register to become eligible for selection as closed alpha/beta tester at

NOTE: Registration does not guarantee entry into the Earthrise closed alpha/beta.

About SilentFuture UG

SilentFuture UG is specialized in the development of Multiplayer Games with a strong focus on MMORPG design and conception. Founded in 2012 by Daniel Schemann and Katharina Weiß, the firm offers the complete palette of online game development and lifecycle services – from market research through project planning and design to customer support.