Mincing Gears has announced how the open beta with regard to Path connected with Exile is now live. Players have the ability to log in and check out the steps RPG all through the newly-added Act 3.
Notable highlights in Path of Exile:
- A dark and deep action RPG
- Build unlimited unique characters on a gigantic skill tree
- Combine over 110 skill gems to create unique combat strategies
- Explore a dark and gritty world rendered from a fixed 3D perspective
- Download and play for free, but never ‘pay-to-win’
- Explore randomly generated levels for extreme re-playability
- Craft weapons, magic items and even end-game maps to become more powerful
- Cooperate or compete with thousands of other exiles in a persistent online world
- Ascend online ladders in every game mode
- Battle in PVP tournaments for worldwide recognition
- Check the Path of Exile Site for more