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Legion Blue Edition

Are you one of the thousands of alliance guilds that are blue to the core? great then we have an all new legion template to accommodate your guild moving into the future by providing you a modern legion based skin with the alliance color scheme in play of blue.


With Legion blue you can convert your basic WordPress website into a fully operational guild website, simply apply our professional skin and your website is now a wow guild site.

The all new legion blue theme has been added to our digital store and can be purchased right now.

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Reminder October Sale is on!

In the event you missed our notice of the current sales we are offering to you for this month, here they are again for your convenience.


World of Warcraft Premium WordPress Templates on Sale.

Legion Zero now only $21.99 save $8.

Warlords The Alliance now $19.99 save $6.

Legends of Draenor now $19.99 save $6.

Warlords Zero now $18.99 save $7.

The Iron Horde now $19.99 save $6.

Final Fantasy XIV a Realm Reborn AAR Sale.

The Final Fantasy $19.99 Save $6

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Blizzards Heroes of the Storm : Game Launch on June 2nd

Blizzard has announced that Heroes of the Storm will officially launch on June 2nd. In addition, a period of open beta testing will kick off on May 19th. The game will ship with thirty Heroes, 130 skins, fourteen rideable mounts and seven individual maps.


Blizzard  has also indicated that there will be no further server wipes and that all progress will be retained for current closed beta testers.

Blizzard will celebrate launch day with a special live stream event to take place in London. More details will be published as the launch nears.

It’s been a jam-packed year for Heroes of the Storm, and now it’s time to rally your fellow heroes and get ready for battle, because the portal to the Nexus is about to burst wide open! We’ve just announced that Blizzard’s worlds will collide when Heroes of the Storm officially launches on June 2, following an open beta testing period that begins on May 19.

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Linage II Love Festival 2015 Valentines

For just a one month period starting February 11th and lasting until March 11th, Lineage II celebrates our fonder feelings using a special Valentine’s Day sabotage.

The bakeries of Aden are already undermined by Beleth, and the wizards in the Ivory Tower call on that you help them, Huey Lewis-like, spread the facility of Love. Led by your saccharine-monikered wizard Coco Brownie, you will be fighting for Love Potion sheds, candy buffs and Valentine’s designed weapon skins.
